Groups and Workshops

Introductory Group/Living Room Series

In an Introductory Group, 8 to 15 participants gather with Ommara in sacred circle to ask questions and receive insight and guidance.    Jess convenes compassionately and light-heartedly, beginning with introductions, trust-building, and a grounding of the group.  She then metaphorically steps aside to allow Ommara to speak through her voice.  Typically, as each person shares their own question and receives guidance, the support and understanding coming from Ommara is amplified by those present and all are open to receiving the benefits of each response. Cost varies from $25-$40 per person depending on travel distance and group size.

You can host an introductory group or Living Room Series event by emailing: Dates for upcoming introductory groups would be posted on our Upcoming Events page under “Living Room Series 2022”.



Jessy offers several workshops throughout the year: Honoring Our Journey’s, Other Ways of Knowing, Delving Deeper and a 6 week support circle for women in transition. Go to Up Coming Events page to see if one of these events is planned in the near future.

Honoring Our Journeys ~

Focus: Healing from Sexual Trauma   

These special afternoons offer spacious containers for the power of each person’s healing journey around sexual trauma to be fully recognized and honored. Using Dummerston artist, Phil Hamm’s, exquisite sculptures, made primarily from wax, participants identify the gestures that speak to the various stages in each individual person’s healing journey. Sources of trauma can be buried or remembered, physical or non-physical.

Snacks and beverages are provided. Afternoons include either a short group channeling session with Ommara, time to divine for flower essences, or time for journaling, whatever the group would like.

Focus: Relationship
This workshop uses the same format as above but focuses on a meaningful relationship in one’s life. Relationships can be present or past, resolved or unresolved, easy and joyous, deeply nurturing, trying, or tragic. Relationships can be with family members, lovers, colleagues, friends or foe, living on this plane or on another. 
$80 – $65 (Scholarships available for senior citizens on fixed incomes, full time, and working students)
Taking stock of our inner resources, our growth and power, is healing, doing this in community is revolutionary, surrounding the process with art, well… let’s see where it takes us! 
Walking through Phil Ham’s studio, gazing at his beautiful sculptures, was like looking into my own soul. The gestures that move through them express such profound human experience, they seemed to beckon, to meet, embrace, affirm all that lives within, with beauty and grace.”  Jess
Other Ways of Knowing ~

A one day workshop. We have vast abilities to recieve information.  Other Ways of Knowing is a day long workshop where individuals explore these abilities, receiving guidance from plant divas by divining  for flower essences, connecting with personal spirit guides with Ommara, and developing the felt sense. Whether one is exploring their psychic abilities for the first time or developing fluency and deeper connection with already discovered abilities, this  is a delightfully expansive group experience. Cost varies depending on venue and travel expenses, but ranges from $50 to $90* per person, generally we ask for a minimum of 6 people.

Delving Deeper ~ 

In this 6 week workshop participants become more confident and skilled in sensing into other ways of knowing, in accessing individual and collective intuitive and psychic abilities. Journey on an inner tracking expedition to discover what information we carry within our bodies, around our spiritual and intuitive gifts. Discover and sharpen personal gifts and the felt sense.  Channel with Ommara and Jess.

Cost varies depending on venue and travel expenses, but ranges from $160 to $220* per person, for this 6 week course.

Healing our Mother Daughter Bonds ~.

The relationship between Mothers and Daughters has tremendous power to sustain us as individuals and as a society. When these bonds are damaged the pain is often felt very deeply. It is no surprise that at this time when the world is experiencing a profound awakening, many are being called to care for the wounds that are connected to being mothered or mothering. Living in relationship is at the heart of life whether it is with water, trees, the food we eat, co-workers or the people we are most intimate with; these relationships create the web that holds us and all life. Our mother daughter threads play a critical role in this web!

In this 5 week workshop that meets once a week for 2 hours, women come together creating a safe container for one another to explore and heal the wounds carried from mother/childhood. Using compassionate listening, writing and drawing exercises, meditation and visualization, journey work, and felt sense, participants will have the opportunity to unravel their stories, notice where the pain lives in our bodies and what is being asked for in order to heal. Are there limiting beliefs around these powerful relationships that might be interfering with the full expression of who we really are? Together participants will have an opportunity to work with their innate healing power and the medicine in nature to mend and move forward in a good way.

Cost is on a sliding scale $150 -$300*. 

Women in Transition: A 6 Week Deep Dive for Support, Healing, and Inspiration ~

“Resilience, creativity, selfawareness, acceptance, purpose” and “courage” are just some of the words that might come to mind when we consider what one needs to cultivate in order to move through big life transitions, another is “community.”

This program is for women who desire support and companionship as they navigate the journey of leaving behind what is no more, embracing the present moment and all that is emerging. Whether a loved one has just passed away, one is  graduating from college or high-school, health demands a new life-style, one is changing careers, leaving a long term relationship, entering or leaving motherhood as a primary part of  life, identifying with another gender or sexual orientation, moving into a new living situation, etc. transition can be huge, pregnant with possibility and for some, very difficult!
This 6 week program will provide a safe group experience for women to be supported and to offer support to others, to deepen awareness and to welcome whatever is emerging.
Combining knowledge and skills acquired from my psychosynthesis life coach training, focusing, drum journey work, plant medicine, my work with Ommara, and from my life as it continues to unfold, I will offer presence of mind and heart, guidance and support, helping to co-create a beautifully safe healing space with and for my sisters who are experiencing challenging transitions in their lives.
Cost: $120 – $180*
*All are welcome regardless of ability to pay.
To learn more about my work as a psychotherapist and life coach you can go to:


(To learn about the logistics for our next retreat at the Hummingbird Center in Montpelier, Vt. on October 28th and 29th, please go to Upcoming Events)

Much like group sessions, retreats are generally initiated by someone in the community who is moved to bring their community together by hosting a retreat in their home or workplace. They are customized to meet the needs of the host and her/his community.  Generally, a day long retreat includes a group session, potluck lunch, and private sessions in the afternoon. There is time for folks to journal, enjoy tea, and conversation.

Contact Us

To register for a workshop, retreat, or a group channeling session, or to host a gathering in your home, custom-designed to fit your community’s needs, please contact Jess Diamondstone :

Phone (802)579-3412

or (802)254-9403

You can find dates for workshops and retreats by going to the Upcoming Events page .

“Ommara’s relationship with Jessy seems so facile.  Their joint voice is gentle yet bold, always supportive and available… My perspective on a personal struggle was so changed that I willingly embraced the challenge before me, inspired by its transforming potential.” – GN, Brooklyn NY